At ZEvent, streamer Ultia denounces cyberbullying


The streamer once again faced a campaign of cyberbullying on social networks, during the ZEvent, a charity marathon on Twitch.

With 10 million euros raised for associations fighting against poverty, ZEvent 2024 was a success, after an absence in 2023. But the event, broadcast throughout the weekend on Twitch, bringing together the platform’s stars, once again had to face a cyberbullying campaign. It was the streamer Ultia who had to face a swarm of hateful or mocking messages.

The first messages attacking Ultia were posted online when the list of its “donation goals” was published on September 4, namely actions promised to its approximately 280,000 subscribers for each donation level reached.

For example, reading her teenage letters for 7,500 euros, singing karaoke live (30,000 euros), or starting to write her own comic strip for 200,000 euros. Quickly, on Twitter, hundreds of mocking messages were published in response.

17,000 tweets in three days

According to Visibrain data consulted by Tech&Co, more than 17,000 tweets mentioning Ultia have been posted online over the last three days, in addition to the thousands of live comments broadcast on Twitch. During the ZEvent, the streamer wanted to clarify.

“People who say that it’s not harassment to give your opinion, you’re petty. (…) Thousands and thousands and thousands of people who come to tell you every day (…) ‘what you’re doing is shit’ (…) it’s harassment” Ultia denounced during the event.

“You guys are big shits,” she added, referring to the ironic messages related to her “donation goals” that were being posted in live comments on Twitch. “You guys are getting lost,” the streamer then invited her detractors.

Ultia, which alone raised 146,000 euros, was also able to count on the support of other personalities, such as Antoine Daniel. In rather flowery language, he sharply criticized Internet users who mocked Ultia’s “donation goals”.

“I reactivated my X account. The same sons of bitches (sic) from two years ago are still there. (…) They never understood what ZEvent was. It’s not a competition for the biggest donation goal (…), it’s a charity event to raise as much money as possible! What the hell do you give a shit (sic) that a streamer you never watch has donation goals that you find crappy, you piece of shit (sic). It makes his community happy, you don’t understand anything, you’re too stupid to understand” regretted the streamer.

This is not the first time that Ultia has faced a cyberbullying campaign following ZEvent. During the 2021 edition, she publicly exchanged with the YouTuber Inoxtag, explaining to him why the latter had behaved in a sexist and problematic manner, live on Twitch. The latter had in fact taken advantage of the fact that a young Mexican woman did not speak French to make sexualized remarks to her, in public.

A sequence during which Inoxtag had immediately assured that he regretted his behavior, but which earned Ultia a long period of cyberbullying. She had subsequently filed complaints for this reason.


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