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Seven weeks after the resignation of the Attal government, Emmanuel Macron has still not announced his decision

Budget 2025: two senators call on the government to respect the deadlines

The outgoing government or the next one will have to present a draft budget for 2025 within the allotted time, before 1is October, two senators warned on Wednesday. “The country’s fiscal situation is now critical enough to add uncertainty to uncertainty”created by the post-legislative political paralysis, stressed Claude Raynal, president of the Senate finance committee, during a press conference reported by Agence France-Presse (AFP).

On Monday, Bercy communicated to parliamentarians documents indicating a possible new slippage to 5.6% of the deficit in 2024, attributing it to a surge in local authority spending and disappointing tax revenues. “So we are getting closer (…) deficit levels that we experienced during the health crisis. This is unacceptable.”was offended by the general rapporteur of the Senate Finance Committee, Jean-François Husson, judging “catastrophic” the government’s budgetary policy.

After a deficit drift in 2023, the resigning Minister of Finance, Bruno Le Maire, « [avait] said the budget situation was under control”speaking of a “exceptional event”Mr. Husson noted. However, “It’s exactly the same thing that’s happening for 2024”he lamented. “I think the trajectory presented by the government was misleading”he said.

The resigning Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Thomas Cazenave, dismissed these accusations to AFP. “We have been irreproachable with Parliament. We have provided all the requested elements on time and have even gone beyond the requests of the parliamentarians”he assured.


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