Banja Luka doctor on details from Bora’s last concert at Kastel fortress
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Banja Luka doctor on details from Bora’s last concert at Kastel fortress

Music was Bora’s life, and this was shown in a post on Facebook by Dražen Milosavljević, a doctor from Banja Luka, who revealed that despite his extremely difficult health condition, the popular Bora Čorba, as in his best years, held a concert at Kastel and so for who knows what the trip entertained the people of Banja Luka.

– Just before the last concert in Banja Luka, Bora’s condition worsened. He mentioned Saharan sand. His musicians were already on stage, and he was receiving therapy – stated in the post Doctor Milosavljević, who was in charge of the singer’s health that evening.

Despite all the health problems, Milosavljević emphasized that Bora he didn’t even think of giving up and disappointing the people of Banja Luka, who came to enjoy his hits.

– That great fighter did not give up! He sang as in the best times, between songs he turned away from the audience to take a deep breath, catch air. And so for two and a half hours – continued the doctor.

However, the desire not to disappoint the fans, along with health problems, had serious consequences even then, reports Nezavisne Novine.

– After the concert, the saturation is 87 percent. He swore that he would sing and play until the last day and he kept his promise – pointed out doctor Milosavljević, who at the end of the announcement paid tribute to the legend of the local rock scene.

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