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Weather forecast based on the 100-year calendar: Early winter threatens

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Stand: 02.09.2024, 11:18 a.m.

Von: Alina Schröder


Summer is saying goodbye and autumn is just around the corner. The first snow could fall in October, at least according to the weather forecast of the 100-year calendar.

Munich – Summer will be at its best in 2024. Temperatures around 30 degrees and pure sunshine attract numerous people in Germany to bathing lakes, swimming pools or ice cream parlors, especially in August. A meteorologist has already predicted an eight-week heat wave. There was even talk of an “Omega bell” that would really turn up the summer weather in Germany. But what will happen in autumn? That’s what the 100-year calendar wants to know.

What will the autumn weather be like? The 100-year calendar is certain: “Storms and snow will set in”

The 100-year calendar is a popular medium when it comes to weather forecasting. It was developed in the 17th century by Abbot Moriz Knauer in Upper Franconia to increase agricultural yields through forecasts. He based this on astrological ideas that various celestial bodies influence the weather on earth at regular intervals.

Golden autumn or the first snow? The 100-year calendar wants to know exactly what the weather will be like. © Montage: Julian Stratenschulte/Sven Hoppe/dpa

After August ends in Germany with high summer temperatures, September is expected to be significantly wetter according to the 100-year calendar. More rain is to be expected. “Only in the first half of the month can a few nice days be expected,” it says.

October will start rather mixed and moody. Everything from sunshine, frost to rain is expected. From the middle of the month, temperatures will then drop considerably: “Storms and snow will set in,” it is said. This will be followed by rather unstable weather with a mix of rain and snow and the month will end cold and cloudy. The wet and cold weather will ultimately last into November, before the winter of 2024 will start “very snowy,” according to the 100-year calendar.

The 100-year calendar forecast for autumn 2024:

  • September: Pleasant and sunny days in the first half of the month, from September 18th rather unsettled with wind and rain.
  • October: The month is expected to start with rather warm days, with frost possible in the morning. The first snowfall will begin in mid-October, followed by unsettled weather until November.
  • November: Cold and frosty, with lots of rain. It is expected to get warmer again from November 21st.

Weather service criticizes 100-year calendar

As precise as the predictions sound, they are controversial in today’s meteorology. According to the DWD, “Abbot Knauer mistakenly assumed that weather conditions repeat themselves in a fixed 7-year cycle due to the influence of the seven ‘planets’ known at the time (sun, moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury).” It is possible that “these predictions of the Hundred Year Calendar are sometimes correct.” However, from a meteorological point of view, such coincidences are “purely coincidental and in no way scientifically based,” the experts emphasize.

Whether it will actually be a rainy and snowy autumn remains to be seen. Weather experts are predicting a golden autumn, however. However, exact forecasts are only possible a few days in advance. (asc)


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