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“I am also grateful for second place”

The first words of the legendary jungle camp princess

Again no crown for Kader Loth: “I am also grateful for second place”

02:00 min

“I am also grateful for second place”

The first words of Legend Princess Kader Loth

31. August 2024 one 22:16 Clock

von Kim Walbröl, Kathrin Pleiss and Lukas Pöggeler

It wasn’t quite enough!

Reality icon Kader Loth narrowly missed out on winning “I’m a Celebrity – Jungle Legends Showdown”. She had to admit defeat in the final test. She had wanted the crown so much. “I’m a little sad,” Kader told us immediately after the defeat. But she also acknowledged: “Georgina was simply stronger.” The first words of jungle legend princess Kader can be heard in the video.

Jungle camp legend Loth should have played harder in the final

It was a women-only final, and Georgina Fleur literally fought her way through better than Kader Loth. This means that she once again did not end up on the throne. “I’m a little sad, to be honest. I really wanted the crown”is Kader Loth’s first sentence after being eliminated. But she also acknowledges that her competitor played well in the final eating test and did much better. “Well, I should have gambled a bit higher with the rat tails. I thought: well, I’ll let her do it first. … I thought she had problems with food. With all that stuff. But she was really, really strong. She was strong-minded, had the crown firmly in her mind and gave it her all. When I looked at her, I felt very, very sorry. She did a great job.”

Yes, Georgina Fleur really choked her way through the final exam in legendary fashion:

07:35 min

Who will bite their way to the legendary victory?

Kader Loth and Georgina Fleur, please come to the table!

Princess Kader Loth is proud and grateful

Kader Loth is proud that she and Georgina left all the strong men behind them in the summer jungle camp. Testosterone and big muscles don’t always win out: “It’s a great achievement that we made it to the finals anyway. I fought every day not to give up. At times I really had no energy left.”

But Kader Loth held out bravely until almost the end. She may not be returning home from the Legends Jungle Camp with the crown she had hoped for, but she can live with that: “I am also grateful for second place.”

In the video above, Princess Kader reveals which of her competitors she would rather not meet in the future and what she is most looking forward to after her defeat in the final.

Reading tip: Binden-Beef in the jungle camp! Kader Loth feels exposed


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“I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” on RTL and RTL+

The summer jungle camp has a winner. If you want to watch the entire “Showdown of the Jungle Legends” again in legendary length, you can find all episodes online on RTL+.


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