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This is how advertising master Niclas became a millionaire

He has earned a place on the list of the most controversial stars in Germany – and only because of his special hobby: advertising master Niclas M. The young man from Gräfenhainichen in Saxony-Anhalt has made it his mission to correct illegal parking all over Germany to report traffic offenders to the authorities – and his work brings large sums of money into the city’s coffers. And he also benefits from it, albeit in different ways. Niclas M. now admitted to “Bild”: He is already a millionaire!

Head of advertising Niclas M. doesn’t earn a cent by reporting illegal parking

And this despite the fact that he himself has repeatedly emphasized in the past that he doesn’t earn a cent from writing the advertisements and reporting illegal parking. In the past, advertising chief Niclas M. had even demanded that people like him – people who slander others – should receive bonuses. But there is no such thing in Germany, which is why the young man has not yet earned any money with his hobby. However, in other ways: the fame he gained as a result is what stands out for the 18-year-old.

“I already had a lot of money before that. But the advertising master made the million,” said Niclas M. to “Bild”. He doesn’t reveal exactly how much his net worth is – only that it is supposedly in the “low seven-figure range”. But how does he get so much money? The answer is simple: Although many drivers hate him, Niclas M. has nevertheless built up a huge community on social networks. He also often made it onto television – also because there were rumors as to whether his work as an advertising master could be connected to Stefan Raab’s comeback. There has been speculation for a long time about whether Niclas M. is a fictional character invented by Stefan Raab. A rumor that he himself fueled.

His appearances as an advertising master made Niclas M. known throughout Germany.Eibner/imago

And: He also appeared in discos – a series of parties started months ago in which he was a star guest. “My highest fee was six figures,” says Niclas to “Bild”. How does he get the money? Mainly by doing as little work as possible. “I don’t lift a finger myself. I wait for the companies to apply to me, then I say what they want to hear and get my money for it.” According to his own statement, the 18-year-old is also a real miser. He revealed to “Bild” that he even takes toilet paper from public toilets with him during his tours so that he doesn’t have to buy it himself.

According to his own statement, advertising manager Niclas M. is a real miser

Niclas M. now also sells fan merchandise – an additional source of income that will certainly bring him some money. And according to his own statement, he doesn’t spend it, but keeps it safe in the bank. “I’m a miser. The comparison with Scrooge McDuck is apt. I don’t treat myself to anything. I continue to turn every penny three times. Money is the most important thing in the world to me.” Vacations are also out of the question for him – and even a girlfriend is too expensive for him, he says. He also doesn’t want to invest the money. “If you do it wrong, everything is gone. When it comes to reporting illegal parking, I’m very willing to take risks, but when it comes to my money, I don’t take any risks,” says advertising manager Niclas M.

By the way: He doesn’t earn any money by reporting ads, but the city in question does. “Overall, I am very satisfied with the result,” wrote Niclas M. about his statistics from 2023 on Facebook. “According to the catalog of fines, the nationwide total amount of fines and warnings collected from my reports is 140,995 euros.” He filed a total of 4,247 reports in 2023. “In addition, my advertisements resulted in 622 points in the driving fitness register. In total, I filed reports in 84 cities and municipalities.” His goal: At some point, the 18-year-old wants to have reported illegal parking in every German city. ■


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