Nationwide warning day 2024: There is no danger to the population
DayFR Euro

Nationwide warning day 2024: There is no danger to the population

Status date: 12. September 2024.

Bild: Radio Bremen | Rebecca Küsters

The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance is testing its warning systems. There is no danger and no need for action by the population.

The nationwide warning day is a joint day of action by the federal government, states and municipalities. It takes place annually on the second Thursday in September – in 2024 this will be September 12th. The all-clear is expected to be given at around 11:45 a.m.

We have summarized the three important pieces of information about the test alarm here:

1 Public sirens

At 11 a.m., public sirens sound to test whether the devices work in an emergency and alert citizens to dangers. Many public sirens have been gradually dismantled over the past few decades, as a widespread alarm no longer seemed necessary after the end of the Cold War. That changed after the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley three years ago: most of the 40 or so sirens in the Bremen city area are now back in operation, and in Bremerhaven there are 16, about half of them.

2 Radio and TV broadcast warning messages

The warning messages are transmitted via several channels.

Image: Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance

Corresponding test warnings are also available on the radio and television. Public broadcasters such as Radio Bremen warn of dangerous situations such as storm surges as early as possible, reliably and bindingly. Even if the internet or power fails, as many people as possible can be reached across the board. Official warnings are also identified as such to indicate the seriousness of the situation. High-priority messages are passed on immediately and in the exact wording of the authority. Now, on warning day, the message on the radio is: “In Germany, today is warning day 2024 with a nationwide test warning. There is no danger to the population. There is no need for action.”

Radio Bremen always broadcasts warnings on all programs, but as required by the Radio Bremen Act, on Bremen Eins (FM Bremen: 93.8 and FM Bremerhaven: 89.3) and on Radio Bremen TV. In the event of a power failure, Radio Bremen remains able to broadcast thanks to an emergency power generator and OB van technology.

3 Alerts on your mobile phone

The authorities also send warning messages to all cell phones via SMS or warning app. A warning message is sent via the “Cell Broadcast” system, which should automatically be received by all smartphones that are ready to receive the message. Cell phones must be switched on to receive warning messages. They must not be in airplane mode. In addition, all current software updates must be installed to receive cell broadcast messages.

Those: outside and inside.

This topic in the program:
Bremen Eins, News, September 12, 2024, 6 a.m.


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