This is how the warning day at 11 a.m. works
DayFR Euro

This is how the warning day at 11 a.m. works

The Federal Republic is testing its warning systems for the fourth time. The authorities are warning citizens via television, radio, mobile phones, display boards and sirens.

As early as March 14, 2024, sirens blared in North Rhine-Westphalia on warning day, cell phones sent broadcast messages, and radio and television provided information.

Marc John / Imago

On the nationwide warning day, smartphones in Germany emitted a shrill beep at 11 a.m. The screens said: “There is no danger for Germany.” At 11:45 a.m., the all-clear signal was given as planned, via all warning devices and end devices that had previously sent the warning.

The warning day takes place every year on the second Thursday in September and is used to test the warning systems. The exercise serves as a test for a disaster in which citizens must be warned in every possible way.

In addition, the federal government, states and municipalities are testing the available warning systems via television, radio, display boards and sirens. In an emergency, citizens should turn on the radio when the sirens sound to receive information.

The warning message is sent via the Cell Broadcast System. It is triggered by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BKK) in Bonn. Warning apps such as Nina or Katwarn will send their own test warning to their users.

“Reach every citizen in an emergency”

A warning day was held in North Rhine-Westphalia in March of this year. Interior Minister Herbert Reul said at the time: “The warning day is a check-up of our warning systems. In an emergency, we must be able to rely on every citizen being reached.”

Normally, a warning day passes without incident. But in 2020, the alarm reached most of the population late or not at all. As a result, the then head of the BKK, Christoph Unger (SPD), had to resign from his post. The 2021 warning day was suspended, officially in order to learn from the mistakes of the previous year.


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