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Health insurance premiums will increase by 6% in 2025: what about you? Our maps –

For the third consecutive year, health insurance premiums will increase sharply next year. Discover the figures published by the Confederation on Thursday on our interactive maps and graphs.

The announcement was made on Thursday: health insurance premiums will increase by an average of 6% next year, or 21.60 francs per month (260 francs per year).

More precisely, they will increase by 25.30 francs (+6%) for adults aged 26 and over, by 16.10 francs (+5.4%) for young adults and by 6.50 francs (+5.8%) for children.

But the situation varies greatly from one region to another, as our maps below show. The increases range from +1.5% in Basel-Stadt to +10.5% in Ticino. Jura (+8.9%) and Valais (+7.8%) show the strongest increases in French-speaking Switzerland. Fribourg, Geneva and Vaud are between +6 and +7%, while Bern and Neuchâtel remain below the national average, with +5.6% and +4.6% respectively.

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500 francs more per year for an adult in the Jura

Since premiums differ from canton to canton, the highest percentage increases do not necessarily correspond to the highest bills. The increase of +10.5% in Ticino represents 45 francs per month, while that of +9.2% in Glarus remains below 29 francs.

On the French-speaking side, the bill will increase by 34 francs in the Jura. People from the Jura region aged 26 and over will have to pay 43 francs more each month, or more than 500 francs more per year.

In the cantons of Neuchâtel, Bern, Fribourg, Vaud, Valais and Geneva, monthly bills will increase by 19 to 29 francs, for all ages.

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The most expensive premiums still in Geneva

Like this year, next year the Genevans will pay the highest premiums in the country: 477 francs, all age categories combined. This represents 100 francs more than the Swiss average. For an adult, the monthly bill reaches 572 francs, or more than 6,800 francs per year.

Most of the French-speaking cantons are still at the top of the ranking, with Ticino, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, as shown in the maps below. Only Fribourg and Valais remain below the Swiss average.

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+175% since 1997

After stabilizing between 2019 and 2022, this is the third consecutive increase of 6% or more.

Health insurance premiums have been rising steadily since the Federal Health Insurance Act (LAMAL) came into force in 1996. In 1997, the average premium was 138 francs. Next year, it will reach almost 379 francs, or 175% more.

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Rising costs and rising prices

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) explains this increase in premiums by healthcare costs. In addition, it highlights the impact of inflation. “Since this year, the increase in prices has had a greater impact on tariffs, which is significantly increasing costs,” the FOPH states in its press release.

The trend is expected to continue. Health costs “will continue to increase in the future due to new treatments and medications as well as demographic ageing,” adds the FOPH.

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