Time change autumn 2024: When will it take place?
DayFR Euro

Time change autumn 2024: When will it take place?

Since the EU Commission proposed ending the seasonal change in September 2018, but nothing has happened so far. Therefore, there is still a change. This happens in the Night of October 26 to October 27, 2024. The watches are therefore 3am set back to 2am – one hour more sleep!

Physical effects

The shift has an impact on our biorhythm – Fatigue, depressive moods, lack of concentration, irritability According to the Institute for Applied Industrial Engineering (ifaa), the consequences can be fatigue or loss of appetite.

These symptoms usually disappear on their own after a few days once the body has adjusted to the change. But what is the best way to get through the time until then?

It depends on how we approach the topic ourselves. “Instead of getting annoyed about the time change, it can be helpful to ask yourself how you can use the extra hour to your advantage,” advises Martina Frost, psychologist at ifaa. One idea: In the mornings, it’s light earlier so you can go jogging outside. You could take advantage of that before work.

Sleeping longer is not recommended

The general rule is: go outside. Exercise in the fresh air helps you sleep better in the evening. Also make sure you eat light meals in the evening and avoid drinks containing caffeine.

It can also be a good idea to take a short break at lunchtime – and to take a short nap, i.e. power nap, rather than a long nap. This will also help you sleep better at night.

AND: it’s better for your internal clock not to use the time change as an excuse to sleep longer. Frost advises getting up at your usual time – and using the time for the things that are important to you, such as your hobbies.


Updated 3 minutes ago


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