Bluetongue disease now also in Lucerne
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Bluetongue disease now also in Lucerne

Foamy salivation, serous to purulent nasal discharge and breathing difficulties are common in bluetongue disease.



The case was confirmed on Thursday morning, as the State Chancellery of the Canton of Lucerne announced in a press release. There is no risk of infection for humans and other animal species – except for sheep and cattle.

Facility closed to animal traffic

The infected sheep showed severe symptoms (including fever, swelling in the head area, blue-colored teats, etc.) and had to be put down by a veterinarian. “The examination of the blood sample at the Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI) at the University of Bern on Thursday morning confirmed that it was a case of bluetongue disease serotype 3 (BTV-3),” the canton wrote.

The Lucerne Veterinary Service has taken the necessary measures. These include, for example, closing the affected farm to animal traffic and carrying out herd tests on susceptible animals.

Symptoms of bluetongue in sheep

Bluetongue can be fatal to sheep. If they survive, they recover slowly, but they are then immune to the type of virus they were infected with.

Bluetongue disease should definitely be considered if the following symptoms occur:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Apathy
  • Discharge from the herd and swelling of the reddened mucous membranes of the mouth
  • Increased salivation and foam at the mouth
  • The tongue may swell, turn blue and hang out of the mouth
  • The coronary band on the hooves becomes red and painful; the sheep may become lame
  • In pregnant animals, the disease can lead to abortion

Symptoms of bluetongue disease in cattle

Cattle will experience relief after some time. The following may be signs of bluetongue disease:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Inflammation of the teat skin and the mucous membranes in the area of ​​the eyelids, oral cavity and genitals
  • Detachment of mucous membranes in the area of ​​the tongue and mouth
  • Blisters on the coronary band of the claws

-> You can find more information about bluetongue disease here

Pathogen is not dangerous for humans

Bluetongue is an animal disease that must be combated and therefore reported. If animal owners notice suspicious symptoms, they must contact a veterinarian immediately. Other farm animals and pets are not affected by this animal disease.

The pathogen is not dangerous for humans. Meat and dairy products can be consumed without any concerns.

-> The Canton of Lucerne refers to this information page «Bluetongue disease».

Please also read the following articles on this topic:

-> Three sheep infected with bluetongue disease

-> Bluetongue disease: Cattle in the canton of Vaud fall ill


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