Entrepreneur award for young Spitex founder
DayFR Euro

Entrepreneur award for young Spitex founder

The Swissalbs Entrepreneur Award for 2024 goes to Liridona Makica – the founder of Spitex Dona in Kloten. The prize is awarded by the Albanian-Swiss association Swissalbs and is endowed with 15,000 francs. It recognizes “exceptional entrepreneurial achievements,” according to the announcement, and is intended to celebrate the innovative strength of the Albanian community in Switzerland.

The jury included Brack founder Roland Brack, National Councilor Andri Silberschmidt, ElleXX co-founder Nadine Jürgensen, entrepreneur Vllaznim Xhiha and Numarics founder Kristian Kabashi.

31 years old – 50 employees

Liridona Makica founded Spitex Dona in 2021 to offer professional nursing and care services that are both familiar and flexible. Today, Spitex in Kloten employs 50 people; it also offers medical care in the somatic and psychiatric areas as well as palliative care. Makica attaches great importance to minimizing staff turnover so that patients can build a personal relationship with the carers.

The award is also “a confirmation that our approach of providing family-like and flexible care is the right way to go,” said the award winner in her speech at the Zurich Congress Center.

On the other hand, Arbela Statovci, co-founder and communications manager of Swissalbs, commented: “It is impressive that Liridona Makica, at only 31 years old, is already leading a company with 50 employees in such a demanding sector. Her success is an inspiring example of how a visionary approach and passionate implementation can bring about real change in healthcare.”


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