Luke Mockridge makes fun of para-athletes
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Luke Mockridge makes fun of para-athletes

Comedian Luke Mockridge denigrates the athletes competing in the Paralympics. Former track cyclist Christina Vogel is outraged.

Luke Mockridge makes fun of athletes with disabilities.

Imago/Marc John

(dpa) Once again, there is a huge stir surrounding comedian and TV presenter Luke Mockridge. In a podcast, the 35-year-old mocked athletes at the Paralympic Games, causing great outrage. The comedian said in the podcast “The Germans”: “There are people without legs and arms who are thrown into a pool – and whoever drowns last wins.”

Kristina Vogel, a two-time Olympic track cycling champion who is in a wheelchair, reacted with horror and described the statements as “unbelievable”. Mockridge had previously revealed his thoughts on the origins of the Paralympics. “It’s crazy: the first person to call another country and say: ‘Hey, you know the Olympic Games. I have a similar idea. You have disabled people in your country too. Should we see who is faster?'” he said.

DBS responds with statement

The DBS responded to a request from the German Press Agency in a statement. “We would like to encourage people to watch para-sports live in order to experience the impressive achievements that people with disabilities are capable of – and to understand what an enrichment they are for our society,” the statement said. The DBS did not want to devote any greater attention to the report.

Mockridge’s statements became the topic of discussion because Vogel had spoken out in shock on her Instagram channel. “For the question of why people talk their heads off because there are still people who say such inhumane sh** and just put down disabled people. Here’s just one example, it’s unbelievable,” wrote Vogel, who is paralyzed from the waist down after a training accident. She also shared the clip with Mockridge’s statements that she uploaded about three weeks ago.

Trouble in the TV garden

Mockridge has already been in the spotlight in the past. Among other things, he caused trouble with an irritating appearance on the “ZDF-Fernsehgarten”. “However, the jokes that Luke Mockridge told today were neither our sense of humor nor that of the audience. Unfortunately, there is nothing more to say, the performance speaks for itself,” ZDF said at the time.

The comedian Mockridge was once one of the faces of Sat.1. In August 2021, he announced a break and has hardly appeared on television since then. From mid-September, Mockridge will host the Sat.1 show “What’s in the Box? The Comedy Quiz.”


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