Pope to Church in the Pacific: Goes to the margins of society
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Pope to Church in the Pacific: Goes to the margins of society

Pope Francis has called on Christians in the Pacific region to be courageous, hopeful and to keep making new beginnings. Above all, they should go to the margins, he said on Saturday in the “Mary Help of Christians” shrine in Port Moresby. “I am thinking of the people who belong to the most disadvantaged sections of the urban population, as well as those who live in the most remote and sparsely populated areas, where the most basic necessities are sometimes lacking,” said Francis in the capital of Papua New Guinea.

Against the backdrop of ongoing witch hunts in Papua New Guinea, he recalled the “people who are excluded and wounded, both morally and physically, sometimes to the point of endangering their lives, because of prejudice and superstition.” The Church wants to be particularly close to these brothers and sisters, the Pope stressed. He made his remarks at a meeting with the bishops of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, with priests, deacons, religious and catechists.

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Just like the builders of the Marian shrine, they should have the courage to “begin”. The missionaries in the mid-19th century did not give up despite difficulties. “With strong faith and apostolic zeal, they continued to proclaim the Gospel and to serve their brothers and sisters, and with great sacrifice they always began again where they had not been successful.”

Pope expressed gratitude that the Gospel is taking root

The Pope then referred to the saints and blesseds depicted in the church’s windows: “Women and men of every origin, linked to the history of your community.” All of them have contributed in different ways and at different times to spreading the Gospel.

It is thanks to them, their beginnings and new beginnings, that Christians can continue without fear despite challenges. They should not be discouraged by difficulties and lack of understanding, even if these arise in their own families, said the Pope. He expressed his gratitude that the Gospel is taking root and spreading in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. “Continue your mission as witnesses of courage, beauty and hope,” concluded Francis. (KNA)


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