Sangiuliano resigns. Giuli new Minister of Culture – News
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Sangiuliano resigns. Giuli new Minister of Culture – News

It ends like this, on a warm day in early Septemberthe scorching summer of the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiulianowho has reached the halfway point of his two-year term at the helm of the ministry and has a bright political career ahead of him.

He ends up beaten by a brilliant career woman, a young entrepreneur of Pompeii who crucified him in the media with a drip of social revelations, made up of photos and documents published with the intent of ‘avenging’ the broken promise of appointing her as his consultant for major events, ferrying her into the golden world of power.

To learn more ANSA Agency Sangiuliano, the minister who was supposed to re-establish culture – News – Between history and politics, controversies and gaffes (ANSA)

The showdown is as fast as it is cruel. Despite the public apology on TV, which cost him the price of showing his tears for having betrayed his wife in front of over 3 million Italians. Despite the initial support of the prime minister, who had trusted him by asking for a serious act of “truth”, in the end he had no choice but to give up. This was advised to him by his lawyer, professor Silverio Sica from Salerno, who came to his aid in Rome to study the legal strategy of counterattack.

“Resignation? He could regain his freedom of action and return to being a free citizen”, the lawyer’s comment. But it was requested by the prime minister, who had to raise her hands in the face of a scandal that showed no signs of ending and in the face of the danger that it would turn into a criminal hypothesis. And on which the Court of Auditors also turned a spotlight.

“I sincerely thank Gennaro Sangiuliano, a capable person and an honest man,” the Prime Minister told him, accepting the long letter of resignation presented by the minister, in which he thanked her in turn for the affection shown and for having defended him “with determination.”

He leaves the ministry in silenceafter sending a “tearful” hug to his government colleagues in chat. But in his resignation letter he claims the work done, he says he is “proud” of the results achieved. “This work – Sangiuliano emphasizes – cannot be tainted and above all stopped by gossip issues”. And then, he says, “I need personal peace, to be next to my wife whom I love, but above all to have a free hand to take action in all legal venues against those who caused me this damage”.

His work will be inherited by Alessandro Giuli, another journalist, another esteemed exponent of the right wing areaan intellectual who had already been in the running for the Collegio Romano and who Sangiuliano himself had called to direct the Maxxi, the national museum of contemporary art in Rome. It will be him, Meloni promised, who will continue “the action of relaunching national culture, consolidating that discontinuity with the past that Italians have asked of us and that we have started from our inauguration to today”

To learn more ANSA Agency Alessandro Giuli new Minister of Culture, journalist turned politician – News – Meloni: ‘With Giuli we will move forward in relaunching culture and discontinuity’ (ANSA)

Even if in a traumatic and somewhat unexpected way, after the fluctuation of rumors about her resignation, an embarrassing story for the government is coming to a close. It could ultimately turn out to be a simple matter of late summer gossip, but even on this, the last word risks being given by Maria Rosaria Boccia. After revealing new rumors in La Stampa, in which she reiterates that the minister was “under blackmail”, and leaving new clues (“by whom? I can say that there are directors of weeklies”), the entrepreneur goes on TV, to In Onda on La7.

She confesses to being a voter of Giorgia Meloni, “she is a smart woman” she says even though in the interview with La Stampa she had accused her of having used ‘sexist behavior’ towards her. She too, however, says she is sorry for the outcome of the affair: “I am not happy, absolutely not, he deserved that position, he is a very competent person, in my opinion a good person too”. Was she wrong to leave? “Maybe today after all the media storm it was necessary, but she could have not done it, telling the truth from the beginning”.

Video Sangiuliano, the minister’s lawyer: ‘There is no evidence that he was blackmailed’

To learn more ANSA Agency Maria Rosaria Boccia, from two degrees to fashion – News – Born in Pompeii, 41 years old, close to right-wing figures (ANSA)

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