The Elysée tests the Michel Barnier hypothesis for Matignon

The Elysée tests the Michel Barnier hypothesis for Matignon

The President’s appointment of the Prime Minister is delayed. A new hypothesis is being tested by the Head of State: Michel Barnier, former chief Brexit negotiator. It is preferred by Alexis Kohler, Secretary General of the Elysée, who since the beginning of the process has been leaning towards a rather technical profile for Matignon. This is the case of Michel Barnier: he had a political career as a minister and MP within LR (and its predecessors), but since 2010, his career has been marked by the seal of Europe as Commissioner in charge of the internal market and services, then as Brexit negotiator. Thus, Alexis Kohler was in favour of the appointment of Thierry Beaudet, President of the Cese. Without having a technical profile, Beaudet embodies civil society, represented within the Cese.

The end of the nomination suspense was unofficially scheduled for the end of the day. Three personalities were part of the short list: Xavier Bertrand, Bernard Cazeneuve, and David Lisnard. However, when questioned by West FranceDavid Lisnard, mayor of Cannes, has tempered the rumors surrounding his name: “I don’t think that this hypothesis is present,” he declared. At the end of the day, Xavier Bertrand seemed to be favored by the Elysée. But the arrival of a new name in the casting seems to restart the curious merry-go-round of this nomination.


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