Locatelli, from Paralympics a message of hope for all – News

Locatelli, from Paralympics a message of hope for all – News

“I just got back from Paris and it was the most beautiful experience of my life. Seeing the emotion of these kids and also their strength, I think it should be a message of hope and positive for everyone”: this is what the minister for disabilities, Alessandra Locatelli, told ANSA on the sidelines of a visit to the Casa famiglia Sant’Antonio Oami in Madonna di Baiano, near Spoleto, which hosts people with disabilities. “The motto of these Paralympics, launched from the stage of the opening ceremony and which our kids have relaunched several times, is that of the revolution, a gentle revolution that advances and does not go back” she added.

An aspect “that I share – said Locatelli – because it is what we are trying to do with the reform, and if we all move forward in our own sector in this direction, I believe that there is hope of improving the quality of life for everyone”.

On the successes of the Azzurri engaged in Paris, the minister speaks of “a fundamental example”. “Our champions – she added – give us a lesson in everyday life, that is, even in the face of the heaviest difficulties, that perhaps sometimes life imposes on us, being able to raise your head is possible”.

The minister, who is working on organizing the first G7 inclusion and disability planned in Umbria, highlighted the importance of support and synergy. “I believe that when you have someone close to you it is easier and also fairer, therefore – she concluded – we must move forward together in the same direction because if we are united we raise our heads and win”.

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