Thunderstorms over Germany: DWD warns of life-threatening storms – Meteorology

At the start of the week, warm, humid and unstable air masses will flow over the country, which will encourage showers and thunderstorms. Since the wind at high altitudes is weak, the thunderstorm cells will stay over the same areas for longer. This increases the risk of severe weather.

While the north and east of Germany will benefit from dry and sunny weather on Monday, a storm front is brewing in the west and south. Thunder and lightning are expected as early as the morning.

Thunderstorm warning: These regions are particularly affected

In the late afternoon, new thunderstorms will develop along a line from Saarbrücken to Cologne. Strong thunderstorms with the potential for severe weather are also expected in the central low mountain ranges.

These areas could experience gusts of wind, large hail and intense heavy rain. Up to 30 litres of rain per square metre can fall within a short period of time. In extreme cases, between 40 and 60 litres of rain can fall within a few hours.

Special caution in the evening: Bavaria in focus

In the evening, the risk of severe weather in Bavaria will increase again. Thunderstorms moving in from the Alps will reach Munich around 9 p.m.

Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall are also expected in a strip between Erlangen and Würzburg. More than 25 liters of rain per square meter could fall locally within an hour, and in extreme cases 40 l/sqm is possible.

DWD warns of danger to life

The German Weather Service (DWD) is warning of the impending storms in the affected regions and pointing out the associated danger to life. In addition to lightning strikes, falling branches and flying objects can pose a danger, warns the DWD.

The rain in particular should not be underestimated: such heavy rainfall can lead to landslides and floods. Streets and basements can be flooded within a very short time.

The original of this article “‘Danger to life’: Where severe thunderstorms are expected today” comes from The Weather Channel.


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