Severe weather: Where thunderstorms, hail and floods threaten today


  • On Monday, things will get tricky in the south and west.
  • Thunderstorms are forecast, bringing gusts of wind, hail and heavy rain.
  • The German Weather Service warns of landslides and floods in the affected areas.

Due to the weak winds at high altitudes, thunderstorm cells remain in the same place for longer periods of time. This significantly increases the potential for severe weather. While it will be dry and sunny in the north and east on Monday, severe weather is brewing in the west and south. There will be lightning and thunder as early as the morning.

Storms throughout the day: Where and when there will be thunder and lightning

In the late afternoon, new thunderstorms will be brewing along a line from Saarbrücken to Cologne. Strong thunderstorms with the potential for severe weather are also expected in the central low mountain ranges from Vogtland through the Thuringian Forest to Hesse.

Where there is thunder and lightning, gusts of wind, large hail and heavy rain can occur. Within a short space of time, up to 30 litres of rain per square metre can fall. In extreme cases, between 40 and 60 litres of rain can fall locally over a few hours.

In the evening, the risk of severe weather in Bavaria will increase again. New thunderstorms will move north from the Alps and reach Munich at around 9 p.m. There will also be thunder and lightning in a strip between Erlangen and Würzburg from 9 p.m. On some areas, more than 25 liters of rain could fall within an hour, and in extreme cases, 40 l/m² cannot be ruled out.

Floods and landslides are a threat

The German Weather Service (DWD) is warning on Monday of the impending storms in the affected regions. According to the report, the thunderstorms are life-threatening. In addition to lightning strikes, falling branches and flying objects can pose a danger. The rain in particular should not be underestimated. With such heavy rainfall, there is a risk of landslides and flooding. Streets and cellars can be flooded within a very short time. Please keep yourself informed about severe weather warnings on Monday.

During the night into Tuesday, further showers and thunderstorms will persist in the western half of Germany, although activity will gradually decrease.

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