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Jungle camp: Gigi Birofio narrowly misses the throne again

Jungle camp: Gigi Birofio narrowly misses the throne again

On the podium for the second time

Gigi narrowly misses the jungle throne again – but he gains a new friendship

02:27 min

“They really enjoyed my farts”

3rd place! Gigi’s first words after leaving the jungle camp

31. August 2024 one 21:21 Clock

von Sidney Leyla Küpper, Lukas Pöggeler and Jacqueline Vetten

He is the king of flatulence, but he wasn’t enough to become king of the jungle!

Gigi Birofio fails the penultimate jungle test in the final and leaves the “Showdown of the Jungle Legends” in third place. What his personal highlight in the jungle was and which person he particularly took to his heart can be seen in the video.

Jungle legend Gigi Birofio disappointed after jungle exit

Gigi Birofio’s face shows disappointment after his elimination in the final. Georgina and Kader can’t believe it either.

He gave it his all, but after his elimination in the jungle test “Everything is a plague of time”, disappointment is written all over Gigi Birofio’s face. He had wanted the legends season to win too much. “I’m sad. Last year I was second. Now I’m third. Instead of going forward, I actually went backwards. Shit. But okay. It’s the game”Gigi still takes his departure in good spirit.

Reading tip: “Lose some weight!” For this comment, Gigi gets a middle finger from Sarah

Despite his march through to the final, he considered giving up several times in the Legends relay. “It was much harder. I had moments where I thought to myself: ‘Why don’t you just go home?'” he sums up his time in South Africa

Gigi Birofio: “I showered maybe two or three times”

His fellow campers will probably remember one thing above all else about Gigi: his smell. “Well, they really enjoyed my farts and they smelled them a lot. I think I just became one with the beans during that time. Maybe I became a bean”jokes the youngest camper. And the Casanova didn’t take personal hygiene too seriously during his time in the camp in South Africa. “I showered maybe two or three times,” he admits.

Reading tip: “My oldest was 56” – Gigi reveals his sex stories at camp!

Gigi herself remembers one person in particular from the camp: Elena. “I’ve found a good friend. We’ll definitely see each other. And it’s best with Mike. I think!”he hopes to be able to mediate between the ex-couple.

But now he is looking forward to his children’s room at Hotel Mama: “What I’m looking forward to most is just seeing my mother, my family, hugging them and then turning on the stove.” And I’m sure she’s just as excited!


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Watch the “Showdown of the Jungle Legends” on RTL or one day earlier on RTL+

Who will win the “Showdown of the Jungle Legends”? You can find out in episode 17 of “I’m a Celebrity – Showdown of the Jungle Legends” starting on August 31st online on RTL+ or on Sunday, September 1st from 8:15 p.m. on RTL on TV.


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