Nina Chuba: Recognized? This is what the rapper used to look like

Nina Chuba: Recognized? This is what the rapper used to look like
Nina Chuba: Recognized? This is what the rapper used to look like

When the name Nina Chuba (25) comes up, most people probably think of her hit “Wildberry Lillet”, with which the singer and rapper shook up the German music scene in 2022. She has now released an album and is also a popular guest on TV with her friendly manner.

Nina Chuba hosts “Who’s Stealing the Show?”

Tonight (October 13th), she steals the show from Joko Winterscheidt (45) on his show of the same name. Even though Nina Chuba is mainly active in the music business today, she is not far from appearing on TV – because at a young age she played the role of Marie Krogmann in the children’s series “Die Pfefferkörner”. takes a look into the past and shows you the sweet childhood photos of today’s rapper.

One detail is immediately noticeable when you first look at Nina Chuba’s children’s photos

Cheeky outfits, crop tops and unusual hairstyles: there are no limits to Nina Chuba’s fashion creativity today. With every appearance she proves again that she can not only rap, but also has a real knack for fashion. The young Nina, who at the time still performed under the name Nina Flynn, had never been this unusual before.

But if you look at the sweet photos of the former actress, you immediately notice: the broad, authentic grin has hardly changed. And even back then, the young actress was never above a little fun. This is proven by a photo that was taken in 2008 on the occasion of a photo shoot for “Die Pfefferkörner”.

Former “Pfefferkörner” star Nina Chuba cheekily posed in a handstand

The picture shows her with two TV colleagues who support her legs while she poses upside down in a handstand. What a sweet scene! Other portraits from the same photo session show similarly funny snapshots. Young Nina’s smile is almost contagious. In one photo, she jumps into the air so that her brown hair, which she wore very simple and straight back then, flies in the air at the sides.

Her look already revealed a lot about her personality

How did the 25-year-old dress back then? For the shoot, she wore a cute layered look consisting of a red long-sleeved shirt and a dark print shirt with different pairs of printed eyes. Plus flared jeans and brown boots. A look that we probably won’t see on her today, but which still showcased her joy of life and her cheeky nature back then.



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