Complaint against Alexandre Jollien in France dismissed

Complaint against Alexandre Jollien in France dismissed

“After a careful examination over several months, a dismissal was pronounced, which was notified in October 2023,” confirmed Alexandre Jollien’s lawyer, Loïc Parein, in a press release on Sunday. The press had echoed in 2022 a criminal complaint filed a year earlier in France against his client for facts dating back to 2015. “My client has always firmly contested the accusations brought against him,” wrote the lawyer.

As part of the investigation, “Alexandre Jollien responded to the summonses sent to him and answered all the questions put to him,” he emphasizes. “This outcome marks the end of harmful suspicions for Alexandre Jollien, but also for his loved ones, the consequences of which have unfairly extended beyond the judicial context,” the lawyer concludes.


On his Facebook account, Alexandre Jollien looks back on the police investigation and the interrogations conducted over several months. “The complaint against me was dismissed in 2023. No follow-up but not without devastation, without injuries. Zero relief from this coldly legal verdict but a lot of suffering on all sides,” he writes. He also explains that he does not want to speak to the media.

“After the media tsunami, going to the supermarket, taking the subway, facing the stares in an elevator required a constant struggle,” he continues. The author evokes how even publishers no longer had an “editorial place” for him. But he thanks the unexpected support that helped him “to continue the stage.”

In his post, the writer adds that it is now a question of “recovering physically, spiritually, socially.” A classification without follow-up is not triumphant and no one has a monopoly on suffering, he concludes.

Former intern

According to an email from the Paris prosecutor’s office to Alexandre Jollien’s lawyer, cited by RTS, the proceedings were closed on the grounds that the offence was insufficiently characterised. The complaint came from a former intern at the philosopher’s publishing house.

On the occasion of the submission of the initiative for inclusion last Thursday, the writer, himself handicapped by cerebral palsy, was confronted with questions about this case. This is the reason why he wanted to make public the decision of the French justice system, again according to RTS.

Alexandre Jollien is the author of best-selling books such as “L’éloge de la faible” (Cerf, 1999) and “Le philosophe nu” (Seuil, 2010). In 2021, he starred in the film “Presque”, alongside his friend, actor and director Bernard Campan.


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