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Sled dogs could go green in Saignelégier

Even without snow, the international sled dog races will take place on January 25 and 26 in Saignelégier. The organizers presented this Wednesday morning the program of the event whose guest of honor is the City of La Chaux-de-Fonds. In the event of unfavorable snow conditions, they plan to set up green competitions, therefore on grass, in karts or on mountain bikes. The objective is to ensure that the event takes place in all weathers as well as the spectacle of the races. “It’s clear that on a white background we have more of this Nordic spirit. But it will not be less spectacular, just different,” explains Toinette Wisard. The member of the organizing committee adds that the preparation of this green version is in addition to that on the snow and that the courses will be different from one version to another.

Mushers were able to register according to their preference, namely on snow, on grass or both. So far, the organizers have received a total of more than a hundred registrations, including eight from the Jura, thirteen from the Bernese Jura and seven from Neuchâtel. Among all the participants, more than half will take part in the races on grass while the others will only come to Saignelégier in the event of snow. Those responsible will decide at the beginning of next week which version, green or white, will be favored. The organizers and the guest of honor are also planning various indoor activities. The program can be found here.

Wheels will not be a discovery for dogs and their owners

“It’s different to run with the sled than to run with the kart but in the end we are happy to be able to run the dogs. » Brigitte Favre sums up her feelings if the races had to be held on grass. But the motivation of the musheuse from Saignelégier, where the event program was presented, has not yet begun. Especially since the kart is not a discovery neither for her nor for her dogs. “When there isn’t enough snow, we already train with the wheels. » /nmy



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