Brazilian footballer Hulk has been in a relationship with his ex-wife’s niece for several years. The two lovers even had two children. They decided to get married religiously.
This is a story that goes back several years. The footballer Hulk, well known in Europe for the power of his shots (which also earned him his nickname), is in a relationship with Camila Angelo. The special aspect of the case is that the athlete was previously married to Camila’s aunt, Iran Angelo. A couple that lasted for 12 years.
They had three children together between 2007 and 2019: two sons, Ian and Tiago, and a daughter, Alice, who are cousins of his new wife.
In 2020, Hulk surprised many by civilly marrying Camila after the end of his relationship with Iran. The following year, Hulk and Camila confirmed they were expecting their first child, Zaya. Last year, they announced they were expecting a second child, Aisha.
Four years after their civil marriage, the couple decided to unite religiously. “Before God and the promises of our love, we unite in one heart, to begin our eternity together“, wrote the Atlético Mineiro player on Instagram.
The wedding ceremony took place in Hulk’s hometown, Campina Grande.
Another party is planned for January 7 at a luxury hotel complex in João Pessoa, reports the Daily Mail. 500 professionals participate in the organization of the party, including chefs, florists and sound and light technicians. The party promises to be grandiose.
Hulk marriage
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