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The Vendée Sébastien Simon takes the lead in the Vendée Globe!

Published: 7:47 a.m. – Modified: 7:58 a.m. by Dolorès CHARLES

Sébastien Simon

Credit : Vendée Globe

The Vendéen took first place in the Vendée Globe in the 7 p.m. rankings yesterday (Tuesday December 17), after 37 days of racing and 10 days after the breakage of his starboard foil. The 34-year-old skipper showed unfailing combativeness which allowed him to compensate for the speed deficit of his Groupe Dubreuil monohull. Sébastien Simon is ahead of Charlie Dalin and Yoann Richomme.

Dramatic twist on the Vendée Globe! Sébastien Simon is ahead of Charlie Dalin and Yoann Richomme at the head of the race this Wednesday morning. After 37 days of sailing, the leading skippers are only a few miles from each other. For Sébastien Simon, “It’s good to wake up and discover that you are in the lead, first through WhatsApp messages, and then by updating the Vendée Globe map page. It’s huge! It’s pretty crazy!

I suspect they had a sail problem for having made such angular trajectories…

I had some wind, I think, a little from behind which allowed me to catch up with the first two. Then I have a much tighter trajectory than my competitors and I suspect them of having had a little problem with the sail for having made such angular trajectories. Clearly, it’s good for morale; I make the most of it because there, I have my foil and I can exploit 100% of the boat’s potential! I take great pleasure in it. The sea has settled down well, the conditions too and the wind has just eased but it feels good when it stops a little.”

Sébastien Simon
Sébastien Simon

As they approach Point Némo, the furthest place from all human forms, Sébastien Simon is delighted with this great progress. “It’s incredible what’s happening: I’m at the top of the Vendée Globe again for the fifth or sixth time and it’s nice…

I have my place in this Vendée Globe!

I came just to finish in the Vendée Globe and my ambitions are completely different today. With the breakage of a foil, it will be much more complicated but I remain hopeful and I want to give my all. And today, it confirms the fact that I have my place in this Vendée Globe!”

Sébastien Simon
Sébastien Simon

Yoann Richomme and Charlie Dalin decided to skirt the Antarctic exclusion zone, while Sébastien Simon sailed a few miles above it. They are experiencing an unfavorable wind which pushes them to the north-east while the skippers must head south-east.

At this stage, 4 skippers out of 40 have given up.


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