“Micro-contacts” accepted, intransigence on disputes… how the FFF wants to rely on arbitration to promote the spectacle
DayFR Euro

“Micro-contacts” accepted, intransigence on disputes… how the FFF wants to rely on arbitration to promote the spectacle

Last Tuesday, the FFF presented the technical guidelines of the Technical Directorate of Arbitration for the 2024-2025 season. The ambition is clear: to increase entertainment.

At the heart of the game. And therefore of the show. In order to increase entertainment in Ligue 1 – but also in Ligue 2 – the French Football Federation intends to rely on refereeing, too often neglected when it comes to discussing the attractiveness of football matches. Last Tuesday, in the premises of the association rue de Grenelle (Paris, 15e arrondissement), Philippe Diallo and the Technical Directorate of Arbitration presented their technical guidelines for the 2024-2025 season.We are trying to implement a philosophy of making sure that the game is alive, that the matches are a spectacle, that there is more playing time. This is the mission that has been entrusted to French refereeing for the high level. We want the referee to be a positive actor in our matches.” announced the president of the FFF in an introductory speech.

Increase the pace of play and limit protests

The defined plan is based on three axes. The first concerns the acceleration of the pace of the game and the increase in effective playing time, which has increased by 3.7% between the last two seasons (57’49” in 2023-2024). To achieve this, the DTA, led by Antony Gautier, wishes to reduce the duration of match interruptions, authorize “micro-contacts” – those which do not constitute fouls – and continue the new additional time count.

The second is to promote the protection of the image of football. More specifically, it is about avoiding crowds around the referee, which are so numerous during matches – “Any player, including the captain, running towards the referee to protest will be cautioned.“, indicated Antony Gautier – to be firm on the essentials, namely the physical integrity of the players and on the second warning which can literally change the course of a match.

Situational intelligence will also be required, particularly on the “mains“, which must (now) only be sanctioned if the “The defender’s arm is clearly in an unnatural position and away from his body, artificially increasing the surface area covered by the latter.“…except in the context of a “main offensive“, in which case if an attacker scores “immediately“after touching a ball with his hand, then the goal must be disallowed, as during AS Monaco-RC Lens at the beginning of September (1-1).

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The DTA wants “more openness” towards clubs…and the public

Finally, the third axis is to continue “the opening» of refereeing, both towards the players in the game and the public. A (big) challenge which involves, among other things, visits to clubs, a permanent and direct dialogue, the establishment of a liaison committee between the FFF and the LFP (Professional Football League), a debriefing «public» regular, the creation of one-off video clips to explain a particular decision – and its process –, interventions by referees…and well-known spokespersons «identified».

This will be the role of Amaury Delerue and Mickaël Landreau, who joined the DTA at the beginning of the summer. The first was appointed “instructor manager» Ligue 1 referees. Beyond speaking publicly from time to time, the former international official – who also has experience as a mental trainer – wants to make a point of honour of «supporting men and women” behind the referees. With the very particular ambition, “to increase“even more”the level of requirement” in order to meet the needs of the “very high level».

Also readFootball: Amaury Delerue and Mickaël Landreau appointed to head French refereeing

…and Mickaël Landreau “sports advisor and spokesperson”

The second became “sports advisor for the tactical and technical preparation of Ligue 1 referees“, as well as “spokesperson“. His appointment was as surprising… as it was interesting. For the simple reason that it allows (finally) to build a (real) bridge between the different players in the game. Indeed, the former international goalkeeper is neither more nor less than the record holder for the number of matches played in Ligue 1; he also has the advantage of having been a coach, in Ligue 2, at FC Lorient. Experiences that will, without a doubt, prove useful to the DTA. “The technical aspect is not something I will be in charge of; Amaury Delerue will be in charge of it.explained the former FC Nantes goalkeeper who remains, in parallel, a consultant on Canal+. I don’t master the laws of the game as I should. It’s more in the form of a team that you have to see it. Obviously I’ve already had discussions with coaches and players because it allows you to better understand what’s going on. Sometimes, people find it easier to discuss with people from the same universe, with their codes. It’s by questioning our way of communicating, of sharing, that we can move forward.»

“I can bring my reading to game situations”

Mickael Landreau

Furthermore, the man who has eleven caps for the French team will also intervene to give his opinion to the referees in specific cases.For example, we will talk about game situations where a player can potentially hinder a goalkeeper to know whether to whistle offside or not. I can provide my reading on video, on training courses. I can also help with deflections, on how a defender defends, whether he does it for the game or not. There are many subtleties that we can share. And the referees can also send me a video to ask my opinion on a situation. That’s more my role than spokesperson“, he was keen to clarify.

On paper, the new directions – and innovations – of the DTA appear promising. It remains to be seen whether they will be effective in ensuring that Ligue 1 no longer suffers, or suffers fewer, controversies, as it did last season.


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