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Former Tremblère goalkeeper claims €190,000 from Berrichonne Football

On sick leave since September 2022, the goalkeeper of the Berrichonne football training and education centers in La Tremblère in the commune of Arthon, is suing his employer in the industrial tribunal.

The hearing took place on Thursday, June 27, and it was Mr.e Florent Gravat of the Châteauroux bar (1) who defended the interests of the employee. “My client was hired part-time and on a fixed-term contract (CDD) in 2012, declares the lawyer, in order to ensure the guarding of the premises. »

The problem “he was gradually asked to perform many other tasks. In particular the maintenance of green spaces, premises, ensuring surveillance of the boarding school at night, transporting young people…”

“Up to twenty hours of work a day”

Worse, denounces the lawyer, “His fixed-term contract lasted four long years, although the law requires that it should not exceed eighteen months.” Still according to the plaintiff’s advice, “My client could, on some days, work up to twenty hours, since in order to supervise the boarding school and even if he could sleep, he had to be present on the premises.”

The facts taken into consideration by the courts – due to their limitation period – begin in February 2020 and end in September 2022, “when my client had to go on sick leave due to burnout.”

Finally, regarding the damage “ringing and clinking”it appears that this employee of Berrichonne – now aged 70 – carried out “six thousand overtime hours in 2020 and 2021 and one thousand five hundred in 2022. And none of them were paid…”

At the end of his intervention before the industrial tribunal judges, Mr.e Florent Gravat claimed payment for these hours on the basis of €190,000. The case was reserved until Thursday October 3.

(1) We contacted the Parisian lawyer defending the Châteauroux club, but she did not wish to comment.


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