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what impact on sports performance?

At the Paris Olympic Games, 10,500 athletes from around the world will come together, with a historic first: parity between men and women.

This means that more than 5,000 female athletes will participate in this XXIII Olympiad. During these 19 days, hundreds of them will have their period and PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome, a certain impact

Premenstrual syndrome is a series of physical and psychological symptoms (weight gain, bloating, headaches, irritation, sleep disorders, stress, etc.) that begin between a few hours and several days before your period.

These symptoms are unpleasant, downright painful or downright disabling and affect 20 to 40% of women of childbearing age.

Its causes remain unclear. Given its link with the menstrual cycle, the involvement of hormonal factors is suspected, but also a genetic predisposition, as well as possible deficiencies in magnesium, calcium and serotonin, a molecule involved in communication between neurons.

And about sports performance?

Premenstrual syndrome can have repercussions on quality of life but also sports performance. Studies indicate that 75% of female athletes experience this syndrome at various levels.

Dr Carole Maître, gynecologist and sports doctor at INSEP, reports the words of athletes who describe a reduction in their strength, a feeling of bloating, or irritability, etc.

She believes that athletes may perceive a reduction in their physical abilities and experience psychological disturbances.

A study published in 2022 on 1,086 female athletes from 57 sports at different performance levels showed that this syndrome had an impact on sleep, muscle strength, and mental fitness.

Among those not using hormonal contraceptives, symptoms related to the menstrual cycle were common, particularly abdominopelvic pain or dysmenorrhea (74%) and premenstrual symptoms (78%), which also influenced perceived fitness performance aerobic, muscular strength, mental alertness, balance and sleep quality.

Furthermore, 18% of athletes took into account issues related to the menstrual cycle or hormonal contraceptives when planning their training or competitions.

Sports performance may vary depending on the menstrual cycle

From a pathophysiological point of view, Dr Carole Maître indicates that premenstrual syndrome is characterized in the second part of the cycle by relative hyperestrogenism and a progesterone deficit.

« Managing these symptoms therefore involves hormonal rebalancing.she specifies, in particular by prescribing progesterone during the second half of the cycle, favoring natural progesterone derivatives. »

Estrogens, hormones with anabolic effects, promote muscle mass gain during training, but their concentration fluctuates throughout the cycle.

During menstruation, estrogen levels are at their lowest. After menstruation and until ovulation, they increase, which can improve performance and promote more efficient muscle building.

However, the perception of the effects of the cycle on performance varies considerably from one person to another. And sportswomen have won gold medals while on their periods!

Source : #PayeTonCycle: What is premenstrual syndrome? (Inserm website, consulted on 06/13/24); Ekenros L, von Rosen P, Solli GS, et al. Perceived impact of the menstrual cycle and hormonal contraceptives on physical exercise and performance in 1,086 athletes from 57 sports. Front Physiol. 2022 Aug 30;13:954760; press release Let’s break the rules National College of French Gynecologists and Obstetricians and the Women’s Health Fund. With the support of HOLOGIC (May 2024).


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