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OL: Cherki in Paris, he is furious – Olympique Lyonnais

The name Rayan Cherki comes up very regularly on the Paris Saint-Germain side, Olympique Lyonnais clearly not intending to do everything to keep the international Espoirs.

John Textor’s OL will have to sell in the transfer window, because the Rhone club clearly intends to recruit very quickly and at fairly substantial prices. Among the players with the highest value on the transfer market, there is of course Rayan Cheri, currently with the French Espoirs team preparing for the Paris Olympic Games under the orders of Thierry Henri. Paris, it is notably on this side that we announce the possible signing of the 20-year-old player, who still has one year of contract with his training club.

If Lyon still made an extension offer to Rayan Cherki, Progress had revealed that this proposal was with a salary cut, which is of course impossible to accept. But on the Paris Saint-Germain side, the signing of Cherki does not only make people happy. Member of the collective Paris UnitedYacine Hamened, editorialist and author of the book Football offsides French, says why Nasser Al-Khelaifi should not activate this track to strengthen PSG during this summer transfer window 2024. And the charge is rather muscular.

« Rayan Cherki at PSG is no, no, no and no. It doesn’t matter the price and don’t let anyone tell me that a Rayan Cherki at 18 million euros needs to be signed. Technically, there is no problem, he is a player who is very strong with the ball. Now, he’s also a player who doesn’t understand the game, who watches himself play, he’s a five player. To reach a new level, he needs to leave France. Let’s not compare him with Barcola, because Barcola is another context because he had six months in Ligue 1, Cherki we have the impression that it’s been five years since they explained to us that it’s the future crack. So OK, he’s still young, but it’s still a long time. He will only take a step forward by going abroad because the structures and the environment will be different. There, if he comes to Paris, it will be the same environment and it is not made for him. This will be another casting error. And obviously, when you know your entourage and your agents, the Mbappé family, you have to say stop, you no longer want any connection with them “, confided Yacine Hamened in a podcast.


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