DayFR Euro

Deschamps “killed Griezmann”: the terrible accusation

Didier Deschamps’ choice to leave Antoine Griezmann on the bench at the start of the match against Poland was not unanimous. A former international made some very strong comments.

It was a decision that had the effect of a small bomb last Tuesday, a few hours before the start of the Blues’ 3rd match in this Euro against Poland (1-1): for the first time in 8 years,
Didier Deschamps did not start his number 1 in a major international match.

A choice that Ludovic Obraniak did not understand at all. “What happened in terms of management is a mistake. I’m not going to judge Didier Deschamps because he’s a master in the field, but I think that in this management of the third match…, thundered the former Polish international, consultant for La Chaîne L’Equipe.

Obraniak’s very strong words on Deschamps

“On the other hand, Griezmann needed to continue to play to regain his confidence. Now, he’s at the bottom of the bucket. In my opinion, the coach mismanaged the midfielder’s playing time. You killed Griezmann,” continued Obraniak, reassured. “Have you seen the abysmal level of this Polish team?! So don’t tell me we played between 45 and 60 minutes…”

For his part, the coach of the French team fully assumed his decision by explaining that he had wanted to make his technical leader. The situation should be different next Monday, against Belgium, in the round of 16.


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