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Lilian Thuram explains the roots of his son Marcus’s commitment against the RN

Lilian Thuram, 1998 world football champion with the France team, recalled her commitment against the far right at the microphone of France Inter. He also spoke about the position taken by his son Marcus against the National Rally in the legislative elections.

A figure in the fight against racism, former French footballer Lilian Thuram spoke out two days before the first round of the legislative elections to reiterate his commitment against the far right. “Unfortunately, for years, we have denied the racism of the National Front (National Rally, editor’s note), which is a party where there is extremely deep anti-Muslim hatred,” lamented the 1998 world champion in an interview broadcast Friday, June 28 on France Inter.

“These people who have this violence in them express it freely today, and it is extremely dangerous. So imagine tomorrow when they are in power. We really have to take things very seriously,” he added, pointing out in particular “the role of certain media” and “certain politicians” in the rise of far-right ideas.

“I always told my children that we do not collaborate with hatred”

This intervention comes a week and a half after his son Marcus Thuram took a position against the National Rally at a press conference with the French football team. “I haven’t talked about it with him, but it’s the fruit of education,” explained Lilian Thuram. “I’ve always tried to educate my two boys (the other being the footballer Khéphren Thuram, editor’s note) on the fact that we must take care of others, respect others. It is very important. We must not be indifferent.

“I am not Muslim, but I can openly say that there is very powerful anti-Muslim racism on the part of the National Front. I am not homosexual, it’s the same thing. That is to say say that there are extremely homophobic speeches today, unfortunately, we are in a society where we are sometimes indifferent to others. I have always told my children that we do not collaborate with hatred. Whatever it takes,” he added.

“Don’t be silent, don’t act as if you don’t know”

Lilian Thuram was also invited to comment on the fact that the players of the French team have not, to date, published a joint statement about these legislative elections, contrary to what had been suggested during the first week of the campaign.

“It is the players who must make this decision and there is the Federation,” he commented cautiously. “The only thing I say is that each of us must be aware. Very often, people end up say: ‘I didn’t know’ I always educated my children by telling them about a phrase from Albert Einstein who said: ‘The world is bad, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who let it happen and who watch’ the idea is not to be silent, not to act as if we don’t know.

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