DayFR Euro

Mercato – OM: A holder is pushed towards the exit!

Foot – Market – OM

Transfer window – OM: A starter is pushed towards the exit!

Published on June 28, 2024 at 9:15 a.m.

The OM club is coming out of a very complicated season, marked by an eighth place in Ligue 1 synonymous with non-qualification for the European Cup. To avoid repeating the mistakes of last season, the OM leaders made a big decision by pushing Pau Lopez towards the exit. The Spanish goalkeeper is not convincing and Medhi Benatia seriously questions his level.

OM have had a difficult season. Despite a semi-final in the Europe League (elimination against the future winner, l’Atalanta Bergamo), the Marseillais did not shine in Ligue 1, with an eighth place. Above all, the instability concerning coaches has marked the club, with four coaches succeeding one another on the Marseille bench. Stability will come from a coach who will commit to the medium term but also to a successful transfer window.

Pau Lopez on the way out

This summer, there should be movement in OM’s goals. For two years, the goalkeeper position has been weakened due to the departure of Steve Mandanda. The historic goalkeeper of the Marseille club had flown to Rennes in 2022 and had given way to Pau Lopez (29 years). But the Spanish goalkeeper is on the move…

Medhi Benatia no longer trusts him

The French daily reveals that Marseille leaders no longer trust him. Medhi Benatia, the sports advisor of Pablo Longoria would have seriously questioned the ability of the starting goalkeeper to perform well next season. Like last summer, Pau Lopez does not have unanimous support loon.


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