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MotoGP, Miguel Oliveira raises awareness for Aprilia: “it would be a shame to lose me”

Miguel Oliveira finds himself in a delicate position regarding his future in MotoGP, and although Aprilia is keen to keep him, the final decision depends on the TrackHouse structure. Present in Assen for the Dutch Grand Prix, Oliveira commented on the statements of Massimo Rivola, director of the Aprilia team, who wishes to keep the Portuguese rider.

« Yes, he told me the same thing and confided that it would be a shame to lose me. We didn’t reach an agreement earlier because of last year’s results, injuries, and the difficult start to this season with the new bike » comments

The rapid signing of Jorge Martin par
Aprilia was an inevitable opportunity, explains
Oliveiraspecifying that the future of his contract now rests in the hands of Justin Marks and Davide Brivio of TrackHouse : « of course, having the opportunity to sign the driver who leads the championshipthere is no one who can compete with that. Perhaps for reasons other than sporting ones, they needed an Italian pilot. Massimo Rivola mentioned it right after Aleix Espargaró announced his retirement… and there you have it. »

Miguel Oliveira also expressed his opinion on the importance of keeping an experienced rider on the bike: “
These two guys come without having ridden the bike in the past, and maybe that’s a good thing, but there is also the risk of not having someone who knows the bike next year. I believe that having a rider who knows the bike is always useful, especially if you are developing for better performance. »

Miguel Oliveira: « It’s business. I’m not disappointed, that’s how it is. »

As for his future in MotoGP, Oliveira
remains pragmatic: It’s business. I’m not disappointed, that’s how it is. I’ll do my best to understand the whole project and continue to give my all this season. Everything is possible for me. I probably have some options I like, we’ll see. »

He added : ” Davide Brivio talks to me and also speaks with Raul Fernandez. Nothing has been decided, so let’s wait and see if we have anything more to say in the coming weeks.. »

Massimo Rivolafor its part, remains attached to
Oliveira : « personally, I would of course like to continue with Oliveira and Raul Fernandez. After all, both were my first choice and I still believe in them. We will try to push the decision in that direction, especially because replacing the two riders in the factory team makes continuity on the other side very important. »

The future of Miguel Oliveira is still uncertain, but he made it clear today that despite the desire toAprilia
to count on his contribution, this does not currently involve the structure of Noale, the TrackHouse team being responsible for studying the continuity (or not) of the Portuguese driver.


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