DayFR Euro

Tadej Pogacar, the shattering announcement!

Big favorite of the Tour de France, Tadej Pogacar intends to quickly make an impression and gauge his opponents.

The Giro d’Italia went like a dream for Tadej Pogacar. In his big debut at the Giro, the Slovenian won with a lead of almost ten minutes over his closest pursuer and won no less than six stages. The leader of UAE-Team Emirates nevertheless suffered a setback during this Giro: while he hoped to seize the pink jersey on the first stage, he was trapped by Jhonatan Narváez, having to wait until the next day to raise his arms for the first time and don the leader’s jersey.
Tadej Pogacar nonetheless attacked the Tour of Italy with his feet to the ground and he seems determined to do the same in the Tour de France, the first two stages seeming designed for his qualities. « The first two days are already quite hard, especially the second stage with the climb of San Luca (3rd category, 1.9 km at 10.6% average to climb twice). We will already have an indicator of who is at what level. Then, after these two stages, I think, we will be able to decide how to approach the next phase.he also confided on this subject in the columns of The team.

“At the Giro, it worked well”

The double winner of the Tour has a hard time not revealing his plans. “At the Giro, it worked well. We’ll see when the time comes, I can’t talk too much about it.” he added, sure of his (great) form: ” I can not complain. It’s even better than I expected. » Ready to do battle from the first ramps of this Tour de France, Tadej Pogacar nevertheless considers that the final victory will undoubtedly be decided on the last day, during the time trial around Nice.

“The last three days are going to be very, very difficult, and some sprinters might have gone home before Nice, I don’t know. (Laughs.) And there’s obviously going to be a lot of calculation in the last two days between the general classification contenders, he explained. Some people will want to save some energy for the last day because they are preparing for this really brutal time trial. And that changes the race a little bit.”


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