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Ibrahimovic, Rabiot… He talks about the tensions at PSG

Foot – PSG

Ibrahimovic, Rabiot… He talks about the tensions at PSG

Published on June 28, 2024 at 02:45

After trying his hand at various sports, Thibault turned to a career as an amateur footballer. When it came to choosing between becoming a professional footballer and a journalist, the qualities tipped the scales in one direction. He is now part of the editorial staff of 10 Sport, after obtaining a degree from the International Institute of Communication in Paris.

Today at AC Milan, Mike Maignan began his professional career with PSG. The French team player also looked back on his experience with the capital club, recounting some of the encounters he had. And as Maignan revealed, things got heated with Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Adrien Rabiot.

Trained at PSG and spent time with the capital club from 2009 to 2015, Mike Maignan did not only know very calm moments at Paris. As in every locker room, there were moments of tension. Maignan he notably stuck with Zlatan Ibrahimovic or Adrien Rabiot.

“Shitty attacker”

In an interview given to Carré, Mike Maignan spoke about his tensions in training with Zlatan Ibrahimovic. The former goalkeeper PSG thus blurted out: “ The story is in training, Zlatan shoots hard. He called me a “shitty goalkeeper”, I didn’t like that. I stopped the next shot and replied “shitty striker”. Ibra, he likes people who stand up to him. Having responded like that, it showed him who I was. From then on, we were able to work properly ».

“We had inappropriate words”

It also heated up between Mike Maignan et Adrien Rabiottoday very close. I almost fought with Rabiot? We didn’t know each other very well. We had some inappropriate words, but after all it ended well. It’s family ” explained the doorman of theFrench team.


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