DayFR Euro

“It’s important to move away from extremes”

During the French team’s Media Day this Thursday, the current political context in France is a subject that was discussed during the interview with Victor Wembanyama, the new face of French basketball. While the first round of the legislative elections is scheduled for this Sunday, June 30, Wemby sent his message: “Move away from the extremes.”

Like certain players of the French football team before the start of Euro 2024, Victor Wembanyama therefore spoke in turn about the upcoming legislative elections.

“Of course, political choices are personal,” Wemby said via RMC Sport. “But I think that, at least for me, it’s important to move away from the extremes. I think this is not at all the direction to take for a country like ours. Even though it’s very personal, that’s how I feel.”

This response from Victor Wembanyama is reminiscent of that of Kylian Mbappé, another great face of French sport, who declared that he was “against the extremes” around ten days ago.

As a reminder, the legislative elections take place this June 30 for the first round, and July 7 for the second. The National Rally and the New Popular Front now dominate the polls, ahead of the presidential majority.


Source texte : RMC Sport


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