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Sad news in the media: Pierre Houde, Félix Séguin and Martin McGuire pray

The sky is falling on the heads of Pierre Houde, Félix Séguin, Martin McGuire…and Anthony Marcotte….

The jobs of sports announcers are in danger with the advent of new technologies based on artificial intelligence, as illustrated by Peacock’s recent announcement.

This platform unveiled a personalized recap experience of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, using AI to recreate the voice of legendary announcer Al Michaels.

This innovation allows fans to receive daily summaries of the most relevant events, narrated by a synthesized version of Michaels’ voice.

This development highlights the ability of artificial intelligence to replace traditional sports describer roles by providing personalized content available at any time.

Anthony Marcotte, the voice of the Laval Rocket, shares his concerns about this technological development. He fears that his job, as well as those of his colleagues, are threatened.

“I’m afraid for my job. In fact, everything related to artificial intelligence scares me a lot.”

The use of AI to generate and narrate sports content could reduce the demand for human describers, potentially profoundly transforming the sports media landscape.

Peacock is banking on this technology to strengthen its leadership in live streaming and offer a unique Olympic experience to users.

With AI-generated recaps and a host of interactive options, the platform aims to revolutionize the way spectators consume sporting events.

While this innovation promises increased personalization and accessibility for fans, it also raises questions about the future of sports storytelling professionals.

Describers like Pierre Houde, Félix Séguin, Martin McGuire and Anthony Marcotte may have to reinvent their roles to adapt to this new technological reality, in order to continue to bring their expertise and passion to sports fans.

Car “Your Daily Olympic Recap on Peacock,” offers a unique experience. Users can select their favorite sports and events, and the AI ​​creates summaries narrated by a voiceover from Al Michaels, taken from his past appearances on NBC.

This technology helps generate millions of personalized variations, providing fans with tailored coverage of the events that interest them.

Human descriptors provide a personal touch and in-depth understanding of the game that could be difficult to reproduce by a machine. However, AI’s ability to become increasingly emotional will reduce the demand for human professionals.

Instead of being afraid, the Houdes, Séguins, McGuires and Marcottes of this world will have to learn to use the further integration of digital technologies into their working methods, using AI as a complementary tool rather than a competitor .

They could also focus on aspects of storytelling that AI can’t replicate, such as live interviews, in-depth analysis, and audience interactions…until AI is capable to do.

From a viewer perspective, there are many benefits to using AI to personalize recaps of the sports they love.

Fans can access the highlights they care about most, anytime and on any device.

This will transform the way viewers consume sports content, making events more engaging and relevant.

Professionals like Pierre Houde, Félix Séguin, and Anthony Marcotte may need to reinvent their roles to continue to provide their unique value in an ever-changing media landscape.

Otherwise, indeed, their profession is in danger. It’s the law of evolution…not to mention the law of the jungle.

You adapt…or you disappear…


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