DayFR Euro

Dominique Serieys, boss of the Décathlon-AG2R, wants to win the Grande Boucle before 2028

During an interview with AFP on Wednesday, the new director of the French team showed his medium-term ambitions.

A flourishing renewal. Since the arrival of Dominique Serieys as head of management of Decathlon AG2R in July 2023 – formerly AG2R La Mondiale – the French team has reached a milestone. Since the start of 2024, she has won 26 stage victories. A good omen before the start of the Tour on Saturday (June 29-July 21). A Tour de France that the director wants to win before 2028.

«We put in place a strategic plan with ambitious objectives such as winning a Grand Tour. 2025 will be another year of transition. In 2026, 2027, 2028, we will have to performhe explained before revealing his sources of inspiration. I took a good look at what our competitors like UAE or Visma were doing. It’s not complicated: they run less than us but they prepare the races much better. So we reinforced the altitude courses

Before winning a Grand Tour, Dominique Serieys is counting on his riders to win on the great Monument: Paris-Roubaix. “We have a goal in front of us, which is Paris-Roubaix, with a company (Décathlon) which is from the north of France, with a bike called Van Rysel – I come from Lille. So we are going to launch a work program on Roubaix and on the Flandrian and Ardennes classics to get results there too.“, he concluded.


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