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CAN-2025: why we should not be surprised by the hysteria of the Algerian media

By force of habit, we are no longer surprised by the lucubrations and fantasies of the Algerian media when it comes to Morocco. But their hysterical reaction after the announcement of the next CAN is beyond comprehension and raises questions about the motivations of this microcosm on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Algerian commentators have been up in arms for several days to decry Patrice Motsepe, president of the CAF, Fouzi Lekjâa, president of the FRMF, as well as the members of the executive committee of the continental body and Africa as a whole. Those who are not familiar with these verbal jousts would think that the aforementioned personalities have committed something extremely serious, such as plotting against the security of the Algerian state.

Their only mistake is to have decided that the Africa Cup of Nations will take place during the winter (December 21, 2025 – January 18, 2026). Regardless of the reasons or motivations behind this decision, they have all compromised themselves in collusion with the Makhzenthis mythological scarecrow dear to Algerian journalists, to postpone the tournament, because the Kingdom “is not ready” et “does not have the necessary infrastructure” to host such a competition.

According to the enlightened people on television sets, the CAN should be held during the summer of 2025, but the members of the CAF committee, who have probably been bribed, wanted to spare Morocco, which accuses “insurmountable delays” in the renovation of stadiums. Therefore, the eastern neighbor does not deserve to organize this edition and it is Algeria, “regional superpower” et «pays continent», that this honor should go to. In summary, these are the elements of language that were whispered into the docile ears of these puppets.

When the fool speaks, the wise listen. But when the latter speaks, the jester must remain silent. Firstly, it was Morocco which proposed and insisted that the tournament be played during the summer period, so as not to penalize African professionals playing in Europe, whose clubs are reluctant to release them in the middle of the season. Many have lost their tenured status for defying their employers’ ban.

Second, the African Cup of Nations has always taken place in winter for climatic considerations in sub-Saharan countries. One of the rare times when this rule was deviated from was in 2019 in Egypt, which volunteered to host the African elite in place of Cameroon, whose new stadiums were not delivered on time .

Third, it was almost impossible to schedule the next CAN for the summer of 2025 because it coincides with the first edition of the 32-team Club World Cup (June 15 – July 13, 2025). FIFA is so keen on this competition that its president Gianni Infantino traveled in person to Rabat in April on an unscheduled visit. The aim was to find a compromise with Motsepe and Lekjaa on the calendar adjustments. As for the refrain of the supposed unpreparedness of the Kingdom, we must just remember that the country organized, at short notice, the general meetings of the World Bank and the IMF, when it had just been hit by the tragic earthquake of ‘El-Haouz. More than 12,000 people, including many high-ranking international personalities, experienced unforgettable moments in Marrakech, which illustrated the resilience and spirit of challenge that animate an entire Nation.

If the Algerian media’s assertions have only a small grain of truth, they will have to answer the following question: Why did CAF once again choose Morocco to host the women’s CAN during the summer of 2025 (July 5-26) ? If CAF has the slightest doubt about the Kingdom’s capabilities, why is it granting it this honor for the second time in a row?

The answer is simple: the last women’s CAN in Morocco (2022) was a total success, both on a sporting and popular level, and a great showcase for promoting the progress made by women’s football on the continent.

After this reminder of the facts, far from being exhaustive but which is necessary, we arrive at the heart of the subject. What is really driving the Algerian media and their clients? First explanation: the humiliating defeat of Algeria in the vote for the attribution of the organization of CAN-2025. The country of General Said Chengriha suffered a new historic setback against the sworn enemy, which stirs the knife in the wound of certain painful memories still buried.

Analyzes put forward another hypothesis. The Algerian regime is seeking to prevent its citizens from traveling to the Kingdom if they qualify, so as not to discover with their own eyes the spectacular development that the neighboring country is experiencing in all areas.

The Algerian opponent and journalist Walid Kébir went in the same direction in a statement to He sees in this media outburst “psychological preparation” of the people to accept the boycott of this deadline in one way or another, “whether through a forfeit or the voluntary loss of playoff matches.”

“The movement of Algerian supporters in large numbers, particularly expatriates, will make it possible to become aware of the real situation in Morocco, which the regime is working to hide through a failed media campaign intended to tarnish the image of the Kingdom”he explains.

In a globalized world, it is impossible to hide the truth forever. Everything ends up being known, one day or another. Algerian nationals do not need a visa to enter Morocco and we can, from now on, imagine the enthusiasm that there will be around the Greensif they are allowed to qualify.


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