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Tapentadol, this “powerful opiate” which worries the world of cycling

The International Cycling Union (UCI) fears the use and side effects of this product as a replacement for tramadol.

A new product is worrying the world of cycling: tapentadol. According to the Swiss newspaper The weather the International Cycling Union (UCI) alerted, during a meeting of the Professional Cycling Council (CCP) on May 29, of the health risk of this «opioid fort» who would be “ten times more powerful than tramadol”. If tramadol was removed from cycling races in 2019 due to the dangerous side effects, tapentadol is not subject to any restriction on consumption at the moment. Initially used to alleviate discomfort linked to osteoarthritis and bone cancer, according to the Vidal website, it could be used by certain runners in the peloton. “replacing” tramadol, the UCI announced during this meeting.

The use of tapentadol would be misused by certain runners: “The idea is to reduce the perception of pain to go even further in the intensity of maximum effort,” entrust to Figaro doctor Yann Mossler, World Tour team doctor Archaea Samsic. This helps improve the sporting performance of cyclists since it is “a very powerful painkiller” whose primary function is to appease the “intense chronic pain”.

“A clearly misused use”

But tapentadol would be especially dangerous for its side effects. It is also classified on the same level as oxycodone, morphine and fentanyl – responsible for a real opioid addiction scandal in the United States – by the World Health Organization (WHO). It could cause, in addition to the risk of addiction, “neuropsychic effects, disorders of vigilance, concentration, attention and balance”, underlines Yann Mossler. According to the team doctor Archaea Samsicthere is a correlation between the consumption of this opiate by runners and the increasingly tight frequency of «serious falls in the professional pelotons. Cyclists using tapentadol would not have optimal vigilance. However, when forming a platoon, attention must be increased.

Formerly sold under the name «Palexia», tapentadol has no longer been marketed in France since 2021. Abroad, a medical prescription is “Normally” necessary to obtain it, indicates Yann Mosler. “Like all these substances, there are networks, particularly abroad (theft, falsification of prescriptions, unscrupulous health professionals)”, he says. However, the product is currently “perfectly authorized by the anti-doping agencies”. His authorization in competition “in a clearly misused use” East “incomprehensible”, he alerts.

“A performance improvement factor”

According to information provided to Figaro, The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), created in 1998 following the Festina affair, is extremely vigilant towards this drug. Tapentadol was “added to the monitoring program to track usage patterns in competition” at the end of 2023. The product is qualified as being “under surveillance” which involves controls “screening of substances as part of the monitoring program during doping control analysis, in order to collect data (which is currently being collected) on the prevalence of use”.

Questioned by our colleagues from Tempsthe Movement for Credible Cycling (MPCC) called for its ban in the peloton. “Healthy athletes have no need to resort to therapeutic products of this nature. In addition, it should be noted that an analgesic reduces or eliminates pain, which is a factor in improving performance., declared its president, Roger Legeay. For his part, Yann Mosler says he advises against “strongly its use for all athletes” that he meets. Several professional cyclists, questioned by Le Figaroclaimed not to know of the existence of tapentadol.


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