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The 2023 accounts pass the ramp in Neuchâtel

Debates without waves around the 2023 accounts of the State of Neuchâtel. The Grand Council unanimously validated the financial year on Tuesday, which ended with a profit of 1.7 million francs. Like the Council of State, the deputies noted that this positive result was above all due to the good economic situation, with tax revenues higher than expected by 102.9 million francs. The 2023 budget expected a deficit of 13.6 million francs.

Between caution and alarmism deemed exaggerated

The socialist group, through Corine Bolay Mercier, regretted this gap between budget and accounts, as well as the alarmist position displayed during the budgetary debates.

Crystel Graf, replied that the budget was made up of “the most likely forecasts at a given time”. In his eyes, caution remains necessary in view of the debt which continues to increase. For Crystel Graf, it will be necessary to continue to make efforts to maintain the positive dynamic that has begun.

These concerns are shared by the right of the hemicycle. For Quentin Di Meo, of the PLR ​​group, this high economic situation should have led to more profits. Furthermore, these “tax revenues are not acquired”, he recalls.

For UDC MP Quentin Geiser, “we must stop increasing the debt”. This is up by 24.3 million francs compared to 2022 and now reaches 1.8 billion francs. Quentin Geiser also deplores the increase in FTEs in public administration. The Vert’libéral-Le Center group, through the voice of Mireille Tissot-Daguette, noted that only two out of three criteria for the debt brake are respected.

Precarious population and health institutions at the heart of the concerns of the left

In the ranks of the VertPOP group, concern is focused more on the situation of people whose precariousness is increasing, as well as on health institutions which are experiencing significant financial difficulties, according to MP Christine Ammann Tschopp. On the socialist side, Corine Bolay Mercier also pointed to reduced spending on health subsidies (4.4 million francs spent compared to 7 million shown in the budget) and the climate plan. In response, Crystel Graf declared: “You will not convince the Council of State to spend at all costs”, explaining in particular the lower investments for the climate plan by delays.

It should be noted, however, that the net volume of investments of 86.2 million francs made last year is “the highest since 2008”, according to the government. /sbm-jpp


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