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Mercato: OM will complete a nice coup at €18.5 million

Passionate about football since a young age, becoming a sports journalist quickly became obvious to Hugo. He would later discover a love for the NBA, before exploring other horizons such as Formula 1 and the NFL.

Having only arrived last summer from Sheffield United, Iliman Ndiaye is seriously approaching a departure from OM and a return to England. Already interested last year, Everton is still on the move and an agreement is about to be reached with the Marseille club, which should recover a good part of the money invested to recruit him.

Waiting Lilian Brassierwho should be the first recruit of the era Roberto De Zerbiwith whom an agreement in principle was formalized Monday evening, theABOUT is activated in order to complete several sales. After Vitinhasold at Genoait is Iliman Ndiaye who could be the next to leave.

Ndiaye gets closer to a departure

Author of 4 goals and 5 assists in 46 matches, the Senegalese international (7 caps) failed to establish himself in his first season at theABOUT. If we thought he’d get a second chance, Indian education finally seems close to leaving Marseille, just one year after his arrival.

OM will recover at least €18.5 million

As indicated by The Teamthe 24-year-old striker is currently discussing the outlines of his contract with Everton, already on the scene last year. THE Toffees would not be far from an agreement with theABOUT for a transfer of €18.5M, to which would be added bonuses as well as a percentage on a future capital gain. The objective of the Olympian management is not to lose money with Indian educationrecruited for nearly €20M.


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