Didier Codorniou, candidate for the presidency of the French Rugby Federation, in the sights of justice
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Didier Codorniou, candidate for the presidency of the French Rugby Federation, in the sights of justice

Headwind for Didier Codorniou. The former French international (66 years old) who is running for the presidency of the FFR against Florian Grill during the elections in October is in the sights of justice. As revealed by L’Equipe on Friday, he is reportedly the target of two criminal investigations.

The mayor of Gruissan, in the Aude, was searched on Thursday as part of an investigation into the awarding of public contracts, including the operation of a water park on a 22-hectare body of water located in his commune. The contract was apparently awarded by the Tourist Office, of which Codorniou is the president, without a call for competition.

“As luck would have it, I am a candidate (for the FFR), and this file falls to me”

“In 25 years, I have never had a problem,” the person concerned defends himself in the columns of the sports daily. “I am always careful, I always consult the lawyers (…) We are very rigorous on calls for tender. (…) As luck would have it, I am a candidate (at the FFR), and this file falls on me. It is violent.”

Furthermore, in a completely different case, Didier Codorniou was indicted last June as mayor of Gruissan for involuntary manslaughter, following the death of a child on a merry-go-round in 2018. After the tragic death of little Tylian, 2 and a half years old, following a merry-go-round accident, the mayor was questioned by the courts about the administrative process that had allegedly not been followed. A certificate of proper assembly of the equipment was thus missing from the mandatory documents to certify that the merry-go-round had been properly installed. Didier Codorniou allegedly claimed to be unaware that this certificate had not been sent to the courts. And that no inspection had really taken place by the town hall. Saddened by this terrible accident, he denies any dysfunction of his teams.

- RMC Sport


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