The distribution of the remaining CVC recorded
Furthermore, the CA recorded the distribution of surpluses emanating from the CVC investment fund, at the origin of the creation of the commercial sector of the LFP, to be distributed to Ligue 1 clubs (8.25 million euros) and Ligue 2 (11.5 million). In L1, the funds go to the thirteen clubs in group 3, those who had received 33 million euros from CVC, plus four others who moved up to L1. And in L2, there are eight of them receiving 1.2 million euros each and three others (Annecy, Laval and Dunkirk), 500,000 euros, according to previously defined criteria (presence in L2 since 2021-2022, having already received CVC funds and always be present in an LFP Championship). This distribution must be validated by the General Assembly of the LFP on December 5.
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