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6 minutes with Jean-Adrien Lorenzini president of the Center in Lancy

On November 24, Lancéens will decide if they still want advertising in public spaces. Jean-Adrien Lorenzini, the president of the Center in Lancy, was the guest of Béatrice Rul, at 7:30 a.m., on Radio Lac.

You oppose this regulation, voted by the Municipality of Lancy, via a referendum. It’s true that advertising in cities is so beautiful…

“In any case, it’s not ugly, that’s for sure. I’m not necessarily a fan, but I don’t think it’s more disturbing than that and it doesn’t necessarily deserve an outright ban”

You ensure that local merchants will no longer be authorized to advertise in their windows if accepted. There is a ban on commercial advertising, but not advertising for “own account”, i.e. that of traders is still authorized

“Advertising on its own account determines certain types of advertising. For example, a merchant could no longer display promotions for products. Typically, a toy store, if it promotes Lego, could no longer display promotions for “display. From the moment there is a form of interventionism on the windows, we consider that this is not normal. We should find alternatives so as not to directly impact them.

“Today, an F4 poster in the street, with the panels provided by the SGA costs 101 francs for 14 days”

Most Lancean merchants did not have the means to buy posters before. So what does it change?

“I find that there is a lot of demonization in relation to the price. Today, an F4 poster in the street, with the panels provided by the SGA costs 101 francs for 14 days. Frankly, it is completely affordable There are perhaps a majority of large national companies which advertise on these signs, but we could perhaps discuss a better distribution. Unfortunately, the by-law has. was voted on seat, without returning to committee And that is what we regret a little, hence the reason for this referendum today.

The end of advertising in Lancy is 250,000 francs. Lancy’s annual budget is 180 million francs. It’s not the City’s bankruptcy if there is no more advertising…

If you tell a person that today, we prefer to give up on 250,000 francs rather than invest in projects for citizens, I think that even if it is 20,000 francs, it still remains a amount that is interesting for citizens. To say that 250,000 francs is not important given the municipality’s budget is something that we would not understand. Anyone would agree that 250,000 francs is an interesting amount, it can represent positions, it can represent projects for associations.”

The national commercial communications umbrella KS/CS is participating in the campaign against this advertising ban. What does a national umbrella do in municipal affairs?

“The communications umbrella supports all projects of this type, in any case they have already done it. They are directly concerned by this. They support us in any case in terms of voice, then financially on this campaign, not particularly. The Lancy Center and the Green Liberals are campaigning on their own.”

“All signatures for this referendum are valid.”

Time revealed that KS/CS financed part of the collection of signatures, by calling on Incop, the famous company suspected of fraud in the signatures. This calls into question the validity of your referendum…

“This of course questions me and it brings a little discredit to the validity of the ballot. I would like to remind you that we launched the referendum immediately after the Municipal Council voted on the regulation, because we were directly opposed to the latter from the start All the signatures are valid The proof is that the voting service largely validated it. which was necessary. Our members worked hard. like it’s not possible. We can really assure you of that.”


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