DayFR Euro

Cardiorespiratory arrest, pedestrian struck, police officer injured… We take stock of the ten transfers to hospitals and clinics since the Nice Ironman

In the starting blocks, like the 4,400 athletes in the competition, the rescuers were busy all day this Sunday, June 16.

And for good reason: the Ironman brings together so many athletes in full effort per m2 that the interventions follow one another.

There are minor ones, small falls, strains, discomfort. But there are also more serious matters with around ten transfers to hospitals and clinics in the department.

A pedestrian hit by a cyclist

Like this collision – ultra-rare but violent – of a cyclist with a pedestrian.

The shock took place in the Nice airport area. A lady aged around 70 found herself on the route of the event. She was hit by one of the participants in the triathlon event.

Medically treated on site by Samu 06, the lady was transferred in serious condition to Pasteur II. The cyclist participating in the triathlon was also injured and required treatment: he suffered in particular from facial trauma.

But how could such an accident be possible? The circuit is marked. An investigation is underway to shed light on the exact circumstances of the facts.

But the Ironman France organization has spoken out about what led the two parties to come into contact: “A pedestrian crossed the road despite instructions to the contrary from safety teams.”

Athlete suffers cardiac arrest

Also in the morning, a 24-year-old young man suffered a cardiac arrest. After being transported on Pasteur II, he was taken to the Simone-Veil hospital center in Cannes.

A police officer injured in an accident

Also during the race, a municipal police officer on a motorcycle was the victim of an accident. The latter was hit by a car and suffered minor injuries.


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