DayFR Euro

Vinicius gets destroyed in Brazil!

Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLUDED: Randal Kolo Muani’s “Little Brother” interview!

Recently, Brazil has been subject to strong criticism from the legend Ronaldinho in particular who finds that this team offers a poor quality game and that the players no longer have self-esteem as before and that it does not there is no undisputed leader! Vinicius, although considered one of the leaders of the Seleçao, is also very criticized for his performances with his selection!

Not up to par

To prepare for the Copa América, Brazil faced Mexico (3-2 victory) and Canada (1-1) but the number 7 of the Seleçao, heir to Neymar in the role of technical leader, did not shone, nor scored, in fact he has only scored 3 goals with Brazil in the last 30 matches. His statistics attract the wrath of his detractors who do not hesitate to criticize him, who, as they say, Sport, will not have the Ballon d’Or with his performances in the selection. It is described as having an “absurd level”.

Read also :

A Brazilian star’s shattering response to Mbappé

Brazil: an executive’s spicy response to Ronaldinho

To sum up

Vinicius does not meet the expectations placed on him when he is in the selection. He has only scored 3 times in the last 30 games with the Seleçao. His statistics have earned him a lot of criticism and his detractors accuse him of having an absurd level.


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