DayFR Euro

the icy conflict between Victor Osimhen and his trainer


Published on June 15, 2024 at 7:42 p.m. by

George Boxall

Victor Osimhen ends at Napoli © Piccirillo

Conflict between Victor Osimhen and Finidi George: Tension rises among the Super Eagles

The rag burns between the Nigerian football star, Victor Osimhenand his coach, Finidi George. The latter, in the hot seat and close to being sacked from his position as coach of Super Eagles, sparked a controversy by publicly attacking the 25-year-old striker. “I’m not going to force Victor Osimhen to play for the national team Nigeriahe chooses his matches,” Finidi George told the Nigerian press, insinuating that Osimhen faked an injury to avoid participating in the team’s June rally.

Faced with these accusations, the Naples player was quick to react via a live Instagram. “After my MRI the next day, I went to see the doctor. I immediately called Finidi. I had one of my guys take a video while the doctor talked to Finidi and me. I have everything on video. I don’t care if what Finidi said is wrong or anything else, I will post the video and photo on my Instagram along with the screenshot,” Osimhen asserted.

Obviously very affected by his coach’s statements, the Super Eagles striker added, “I have lost all the respect I had for this man. Because I told him about my injury I called him and asked him to allow me to come to camp and be with the boys regardless of my injury he refused telling me I should stay instead with my family.”


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