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“Everyone is shooting each other”, Florent Manaudou exasperated by the political crisis in France

On the eve of the start of the French swimming championships, Sunday in Chartres, the 50m Olympic champion Florent Manaudou appeared a little disappointed when he was questioned about the political crisis which has hit France since the victory. of the RN on Sunday in the European elections.

It’s difficult to see clearly… France has fallen into a serious political crisis since Sunday evening and the large victory of the National Rally in the European elections. The dissolution of the National Assembly and the early legislative elections announced subsequently by Emmanuel Macron have since caused discussions, turmoil, not to say in certain cases settling of scores, splits and even clashes on the right as on the left across the entire political spectrum. Would this major political crisis be likely to disturb athletes in the run-up to the Olympic Games in Paris this summer?

“We have become a bit of a reality TV at the political level”

“Does this disturb me in my sport? No”, replied the French swimmer on Saturday Florent Manaudou. The 33-year-old Frenchman will aim for Olympic qualification during the French swimming championships which begin on Sunday in Chartres.

But if the Olympic 50m champion remains focused on his objective, he does not hide his exasperation: “I find it a shame. In fact I have the impression that we have become a bit of a reality TV at the political level. Already that it had become complicated to trust politicians after all these years… Whether on the right or the left, everyone is shooting each other and wants their own position.” And Florent Manaudou concludes: “It’s a shame not to fight for your ideas but to have a seat.”

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