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partner companies want to take advantage of the event to unite their troops

She still has stars in her eyes. On May 13, Feten Ben Amor, Sanofi employee, carried the Olympic flame along the route to Millau, in Aveyron. She is one of ten thousand flame bearers – including 294 Sanofi employees – who cross France from May 8 to July 26. “It was honestly incredible, extraordinary, magical! »enthuses the young woman. “During my stint, I had the feeling of being in a parallel world. The emotion rises, the heartbeat accelerates”she says, grateful to her company for allowing her to experience a moment of such intensity.

Because, beyond the global visibility offered to the products and services of partner companies, ” Olympic Games [JO] are a godsend for retaining employees and creating bonds around a positive and rather consensual subject”explain Julien Pierre, lecturer at the Faculty of Sports Sciences in Strasbourg.

We want to provide an exceptional experience for our employees and strengthen internal cohesion through sport.confirms Eve Zuckerman, director of Paris 2024 partnerships for the Carrefour group. We want to make the Games a business project for everyone. Besides, our unofficial slogan is “these are your Games”. » This partnership is a first for the mass distribution brand, which has 150,000 employees in France.

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“Our partnership has no marketing or commercial issuesspecifies Mathieu Giraud, head of the Paris 2024 partnership at Sanofi. Our objective is to mobilize internally and make the event a relay of commitment thanks to the values ​​of the Olympic Games and sport: resilience, performance, diversity, equity and inclusion. » Carole Sottel, HR director of the Ile-de-France savings bank, says she regrets “the prism that is too often anxiety-provoking when we talk about the Olympics. Let’s not shy away from our pleasure. This is a rare event which must be made a moment of celebration and pride for our employees”. A feeling that she illustrates through Belemthe three-masted Caisse d’Epargne Foundation ship, which transported the Olympic flame from Athens to Marseille.

Organization of games in the Games

Volunteers, torchbearers, marathon runners, team members or spectators, partner companies are increasing the possibilities for participation: “In all, more than 8,000 Sanofi employees are involved in the Games [l’entreprise compte 80 000 salariés dont 20 000 en France], explains Mathieu Giraud. The enthusiasm is strong, and the program very unifying. » At Carrefour, 3,500 applications were submitted for 500 volunteer places. Seven hundred employees out of the 4,500 at the Ile-de-France Savings Bank are directly involved in the Games.

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